Summary Report

Get a quick glance at all of your examinees scores.

The examinee summary report lets you see examinees scores in a table format. This view can quickly determine the best and worst performers for a quiz in a specific code.

Accessing Examinee Summary Reports

To access the examinee summary report navigate to codes and then navigate to one of the codes in the list. From this list choose one of the quizzes assigned to the code.

The summary report shows you all examinees taking a particular quiz. The summary shows a report for a quiz that has been started, in progress, or completed.

The data shows, the name and email of the examinee. Each examinee shows how many questions they have answered, their score, the start and end times for their quiz, and how long it has taken them to complete the quiz.

Example Quiz Summary Report for Examinees

Summary: Ductile Iron Fundamentals: 4 Questions - 3143FG

The summary reports can be sorted by any of these field or searched by examinee name or email. Selecting any of the examinees will navigate to that particular examinee's basic report for that quiz.

Last updated