
Organize your team members and assessments by groups. As managers, team leaders, and administrators you have departments of people that require training, but how do you know what training they need?

Key takeaways:

Groups is a way for you to organize your team members and skill assessments so you can easily assign quizzes to multiple users at once. You can create multiple groups to cater to different teams in your organization. Skill assessments will be automatically assigned to any learners within a group.

Setting up Groups

Every group can be configured with its own name to distinguish what members should be part of that group.

Grouping your team is helpful for providing the same skill assessments to multiple learners at once. Deciding what users and skill assessments are part of a group is up to you. Create groups for you team members based on department, job function, or anything else you like!

Adding new users to groups

When new learners register in the system you can automatically add them to an existing group. This way if you have a group established with multiple skill assessments you quickly add newly registered users to those groups. These newly registered learners will then be assigned to those groups and skill assessments. Add these groups to an enrollment key when inviting new users.

Managing skill assessments in groups

Add or remove skill assessments to your group by editing the quizzes in that group. From here you can add quizzes from your own company library or from our standard library. Add quizzes that are appropriate for your group. Any new quizzes added to a group will automatically be assigned to any users within that group. Any existing quizzes removed from a group will automatically be removed from any user that has been assigned that quiz (assuming that quiz has not yet been started*).

Assignment Patterns

Once quizzes are assigned to a group you can decide what reassignment pattern is designated for each quiz. By default every quiz is assigned to each user only once. If there is a need for recurring skill assessments for situations such as reoccurring reviews or skill analysis over time this is how it can be achieved. Assignment patterns can be set to daily, weekly, monthly or yearly and be set to start on a specific date.

Quizzes will only be reassigned once a learner completes the initial assignment

Managing users in a group

If learners need to be added or removed to a group they can be managed by editing the users within a group. Any learners added to a group will get assigned all quizzes that belong to that group. Removing a learner will remove any quizzes assigned to that learner (assuming those quizzes have not yet been started*).

Next Steps

✅ Invite learners to groups

If you are a company administrator, invite a learner into your team and set them to a group to have them be assigned to their designated skill assessments.

Wrapping up

We've covered Groups, best for assigning skills assessments to multiple learners at once. Now lets move to Reports, where you can view your teams progress, find their strengths and determine what educational paths are required.

Last updated