
See reports for the quizzes you have completed

Once a quiz has been completed you can click on the report button to see all the details of your quiz results for that quiz.

Clicking the report button will show the report for the quiz's latest attempt. To change which attempt of the quiz you are viewing, click the date drop down to view the appropriate attempt for the quiz.

The report will give you course suggestions based on any questions that were answered incorrectly. A time stamp displays when the quiz was started, when it was completed, and how long it took to complete to finish.

Basic Report

The basic report tells you the quiz name, how many questions you've answered correctly, and how many incorrectly, in a chart.

Below your score is a table with the every question that was answered and if they were answered correctly or incorrectly.

Correct answers are not displayed to learners

Advanced Report

The advanced report takes the quiz and breaks the quiz up into categories and concepts. Following Bloom's taxonomy you will be able to see how well you understand questions that applied to identification, understanding, or application.

Below the category break down of Bloom's taxonomy a list of concepts are listed from the quiz and how well you have done in each of the concepts.

Quizzes will only have concepts and categories displayed if the questions in the quiz have been defined with the corresponding tags.

Last updated